My Family Are Also My Friends
A small “Crone Chronicles” story to share… just because.
Donning my hat and with a swish of my broom (named WestJet)
a new adventure began on June 25, 2023.
Because of the “Pale Blue Dot” documentation/video
soaring above the clouds for a few hours suddenly took on new meaning.
Could it be that this Crone truly is “Perfectly on Time”?
To those readers who have subscribed both here at The Crone Chronicles and over at Substack I find myself feeling like I should apologize for not being consistent in this undertaking that was started almost seven months ago. But then there’s another recognition/question that arises – “How important is it?” In my own experience, what often seems like “life in a fast lane” reminds me that the ability to “hurry up and slow down” requires thoughtfulness and practice and this past month has certainly provided me with that option.
The trip to spend time with family tied in closely to the unfolding of another new phase in this 4th quarter journey. The part about reducing my hours with Wellcoaches from 20 to 10 hours per week beginning July 1st. When that idea was initially presented to my colleagues it didn’t feel particularly impactful. In fact, in the moment I considered it to be “Perfectly on Time” because it’s been under consideration for months. However, as some newer realities presented during that first week of July – and – as my “mood” seemed to take a somewhat downward shift, it surprised me to realize this may be a new period of loss. My colleague Erika summed it up perfectly in two words.
Then I could hear these words:
“If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got. There is no change, if there is no change.”
DARN! There’s that word change again. Always and forever at play as I journey through the life experiences I seem to have agreed to come here and take part in. Ah well – I know from observing that “nothing lasts forever”. Not “stuff”. Not “relationships”. Not “emotions & feelings”. Not even “life”. So, then I get to come back to that “practice” of taking a pause to consider exactly how I’d like to walk through whatever is about to be presented next with a view to giving it my best shot to incorporate a little grace and dignity. Not necessarily for others but perhaps for my soul?
The “gathering time” with my son, daughter-in-law, grandson, and granddaughter was lovely. They are beautiful individuals and each one significantly fills my heart when I can wear the cloak of “observer”. Watching from that perspective relieves me of the need to take charge, judge, take exception, offer advice, and generally be a proverbial PITA (pain in the a**). Of course, we all know being the “observer” is still being practiced by this Crone and although I don’t recall saying it to family there IS a line, I’ve used in other group gatherings… “If there’s anything I say that disturbs you or you take exception to it’s an opportunity for you to go away and pray for me…. please remember that I’m still a work in progress and need all the help I can get.”
The arrival of the new boathouse and the annual Canada Day Celebration which includes what has become a traditional Walleye Fish Fry and Fireworks extravaganza had a new addition this year. North Easton provided us with the most delightful live entertainment and once again the universe conspired to place two new souls in front of me to make a connection with.
Does anyone else relate to finding yourself in a conversation and exchange of ideas with another earth-school student only to realize that you’re speaking the same language? A language of warmth, encouragement, and kindness with a genuine desire to be “practicing” new ideas that might be considered student/teacher exercises being rehearsed for a greater good. That was my experience with North and Rachelle and there truly was magic in the air.
I’ve been following a lot of people these past few years – and more recently a connection has been made with some delightful writers over at Substack. ALL of them people who speak to my heart and soul with a resonation that at times results in OMG – that’s part of my story too! I think my post there today also relates to this blog –
I attended a small picnic gathering (with like-minded souls) and found myself kind of questioning my own validity/strength of connection with friends and family. In part because of the second episode in a Mark Nepo Webinar series I’m following (You Don’t Have to do it Alone – all about Friendship).
A small piece from the webinar was about all of us friends (& family) being equal partners on this journey and the idea that they can be who they are and we can be who we are. AND… if I somehow take exception to words/behaviours/responses then do I need to consider that I’m not asking them to be who they are… I’m asking them to be me (as a reflection of my own BS [belief systems]).
The webinar left me with more questions and some homework to be considered because it really came down to these two question(s):
- What kind of friend am I to you?
- What kind of friend am I to myself?
Followed by four endless vows (which reminded me of the Ho’oponopono Prayer). Vows to be spoken out loud as part of establishing authentic connections:
Help / Thank You / I’m Sorry / I Love You
Is there a takeaway this time?
Perhaps just a reminder to myself that life really is very short and wasting time and energy on inconsequential “stuff” really doesn’t serve any useful purpose and cannot possibly contribute to any “greater good” I may be attempting to engage in.
As always, thanks for taking time to read and engage with me here at the Chronicles.
Always find new paths to wander down from your musings, Marilyn. Looked-up North Easton on YouTube and the first song/video was “Change” – ! Nice sound from this artist, for sure. XO
We delighted in his approach of “talking stories” about each song he performed for us. A gem for sure 🙂
It was a great visit Ma xoxo
Yep…I’m just always somewhat surprised at how quickly it all comes and goes…LOL