Month: August 2023

Making some changes


This human-suited earth-school traveler has been exploring spiritual principles and practices for far longer than realized until recently. The actual “Living of the story” agreed to in another realm/dimension continues to surprise and delight me…. seems there is always more to be revealed!

Hi there followers of The Crone Chronicles!

Appreciate all who have joined me here as my unfolding story has continued to lead me down multiple explorations and curious rabbit holes. Although I’m not pulling the plug entirely it would be lovely to hear from you to let me know if you prefer to discontinue the connection.

You’re probably aware that I’ve also been posting at another platform called “Substack” and in truth I find myself over there much more than here and the engagement with others is proving quite delightful.

So, I’ve added a new menu item here, labeled it “SUBSTACK” and will post links there for you to pop in and take a read if you’re inclined.

Of course it goes without saying that I’d love to have you “subscribe” at Substack but no pressure and only if you think you may like to be notified when a new post goes up.

I ran across this poem in some of my old Facebook memories and wanted to share it here because it speaks volumes.

The Train of Life by French Writer, Jean D’Ormesson [1925 – 2017]

At birth we board a train and meet our parents.

We believe they will always travel by our side. However, at some station, our parents will step down from the train, leaving us on this journey alone.

As time goes by, other people will board the train, and they will be significant – siblings, friends, the love of your life, children, and many others. Some will step down and leave a permanent vacuum.

Others will go so unnoticed that we won’t realize they vacated their seats.

The train ride will be full of joy, sorrow, fantasy, expectations, hello’s, good-byes, and farewells. A successful ride requires having a good relationship with all passengers.

We must give the best of ourselves.

The mystery to everyone is, we do not know at which station we ourselves will step down. So, we must live in the best way, love, forgive, and offer the best of who we are. It is important to do this because when the time comes for us to step down and leave our seat empty we should leave behind beautiful memories for those who will continue to travel on the train of life.

I wish you a joyful journey on the train of life. Reap success and give lots of love. More importantly, thank God for the journey.

Lastly, I thank you for being one of the passengers on my train!!!!!!!!!!

What does “Neutral” look like?


My own emotional well-being does not rely on outside responses to my musings and shared experiences. That state of well-being is always fully intact and available IF the volume of my “soul voice” is tuned up and turned on.

These past weeks have provided an over-abundance of opportunities to consciously take stock of people, places and things with a view to looking more closely at the part this human-suited, earth-school traveller plays and whether or not there are personality characteristics that have value, could do with an adjustment, or should be discarded.
So, the unfolding during this time has involved considering the dynamics & energy that are:

  • tied to groups of, or individual people;
  • attached to places;
  • connected to things

I also posted at Substack and perhaps that rambling about “practice” can be applied here in this current musing.


Emotional well-being and then questioning how the word “neutral” might play out when a “Perfectly on Time” situation unfolds within a group dynamic. A situation arising because one or more individuals introduce drama, conflict, strong opinions (to name just a few), and suddenly the group energy starts to shift into divisiveness with separate “camps” forming.

  • Exactly how do we intentionally, mindfully, and genuinely move to a “neutral state.
  • As one of the participants, is it within my power to pause long enough to even consider if I have an option to somehow remain “neutral”?
  • Is it my knee-jerk response to run and avoid conflict?
  • Is the universe presenting me with an opportunity to take a step back and become a kind of “observer” of the dynamic without engaging with the energy or shouldering the fallout.

This isn’t a test – rather it’s my way of looking at how to become centred in the middle of a disturbance. In truth, I don’t know as there’s an answer – perhaps it’s much more about learning to listen to that “gut instinct” – “soul voice” – whatever other identification might be a fit – to acknowledge that as a human-suited, earth-school traveller, I ALWAYS have a choice to do things differently. Particularly if in that “Perfectly on Time” moment I can see/sense/feel the quieter, calmer, less volatile consequence.


The devastation on the island of Maui has had an enormous impact on this writer. My heart is truly aching for the Hawaiian people, and I cannot begin to comprehend what they are going to be faced with in the days/weeks/months – even years ahead. I don’t think I’ve ever truly looked so closely at an “attachment to a place” as I have this one. The immediate heartache and tears were what took me by surprise and resulted in my looking more closely at what else might be at play. And… another ‘Aha” moment – of course it comes back to loss doesn’t it? Followed by a shift in recognition that loss isn’t just about the departure of a loved person…. it can also be about the destruction of a loved place and the things/objects that spoke about that loved place.

The Hawaiian Aloha spirit was repeatedly extended to Don and me as our “story” unfolded. We were not only married in the islands we were then gifted to travel to Maui frequently to again experience that “something seems to be in the air” feeling. Lahaina was always part of our time on Maui and losing so much of the historical landmarks [things] is impossible to put a word / phrase or expression to.

However, I WAS comforted by an exchange I had with a co-worker who has family on the island. She is such a strong voice for, and evidence of, the gentle spirit/soul of the Hawaiian people.

“I’m trying to shift my perspective a touch – I fear for the people, but Pele cleanses the aina as she sees fit. I’m hopeful what arises after honors our Kupuna. 💜”.
[Thank you; and for your definitions]

I recall hearing Israel Kamakawiwoʻole extend a “welcome to all the Hawaiians and Hawaiians at heart” at one of his performances. I cannot lay claim to having any Hawaiian heritage – what I do lay claim to is a “knowing at a soul level” that there has always been a powerful attachment to those islands and both Don and I fell into the “Hawaiians at Heart” camp.

I also love this explanation of the Hawaiian expression “talking story” which I found at:

Every culture around the world has its own way of sharing information. Here in the islands, we share informally by “talking story”—slowing down and taking time to explore ideas, stories, opinions and history with the people around us. We hope our Talk Story will help to inspire and connect our community!”


The idea of moving to “center/neutral” was part of another conversation that recently took place – the presentation of another view/approach was yet one more new idea for me – one to be practiced. [Thank you soul-sister, you know who you are].

Looking toward whatever is unfolding with gratitude and even joy because there may well be a healing process taking place.

My soul voice says: Marilyn – never mind – release the emotions and let it all go. It’s simply part of the story you came here to experience…. don’t forget “The Four Agreements AND remember that you are always “Perfectly on Time”.

I truly hope my own “talk story” as this Crone/Wise Woman (in training) might serve up even a small smattering of insight and encouragement to anyone who may be walking through a process of change, exploration and/or re-invention.