Tag: Connection

The Collective Consciousness

My chosen attitude – being exhibited while connecting with another soul – has a potential to result in a new sense of gratitude for both souls.

I posted a wee bit early last week as I was going to be catching a plane at 5:55am and of course, here I am back home already and as always “Perfectly on Time”.

A couple of weeks ago I mentioned the beginning of a new journey/experience via the platform of Substack. Now I must admit I’m undecided about how this somewhat parallel writing journey may unfold. Last night I posted over at Substack – The Why of “Perfectly on Time.  As part of my musings/meanderings for the blog this week, I found myself compelled to write about the few days of being away. It was a heart-warming time and the words attitude, connections and gratitude seemed to keep popping up. Then, add another thought about “The Collective Consciousness” and the hamster wheel and rabbit holes loomed large. Question – what does my heart-soul voice want to convey this week?

Back when I started this blog journey, I made mention of how I had used football as a way to breakdown and identify the years of 1 to 100 by assigning the quarters of 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th. At that time, it also struck me that in our world today we are seeing more and more octogenarians which led me to suggest there could also be an “overtime”.

So, now I want to look at how we enter and move through the last quarter & potential overtime. Of course, this most recent travel and retreat event is truly just a “snippet”. But perhaps that’s what our entire earth-school journey is made up of – “Perfectly on Time” snippets. Questions that seemed worth considering included:

  • Do the words attitude, connection and gratitude have any bearing?
  • If there is an element of positivity attached to attitude, can it make a difference in my subsequent connections?
  • IF I have valued connections is that a reason to practice gratitude?
  • What might each one be comprised of?

I’m going to reuse part of my Substack post here because I think there’s a relationship to be uncovered between the work related “retreat” I attended and what I now see as a recall of my own aging perceptions. I’m also happy to report that I truly felt as though I was able to embrace “Be Yourself” throughout the gathering.

  • 1st quarter of 1 – 25. Anyone over 40 was OLD and couldn’t tell me anything.
  • 2nd quarter of 26 – 50. Anyone over 70 was OLDER and still couldn’t tell me anything.
  • 3rd quarter of 51 – 75. Oh, oh….how on earth did I hit that ½ century / 3rd quarter mark only to blink and wake up with entry into the 4th quarter!
  • 4th quarter of 76 – 100. Finally!! Be yourself!

My contribution to Wellcoaches is not as a coach. Rather it’s tied to a component of systems design and analysis and is a virtual role.  Having been with them since 2007 I feel privileged to remain part of a company that has always operated from and with  strong underlying principles of integrity, care, and equanimity. This line at their website says a lot! Together, let’s create a world where everyone welcomes change, enjoys growth, and is good at both. And…. their Social Mission also speaks volumes.

Within the Operations Team, I AM the elder in this eclectic mix of beautiful souls. The majority are in their 2nd quarter with a small minority in their 3rd. That represents a significant age spread between this Crone and the rest of the team. It delights me to report that the age spread had absolutely no bearing on the attitude, connection and gratitude exhibited by every single participant at the gathering.

From where I sit today, a like-minded collective doesn’t equate to having identical personalities or identical ways of handling whatever dynamic may enter a room as we’re engaging with one another. Having just made that statement also doesn’t mean the entire world thinks/feels that way….please remember these are always my own thoughts and words.

My view of this recent collaboration was that I was gifted to be able to watch and be part of a profound modelling of “The Collective Consciousness”. It’s difficult to describe the level of respect, consideration, and open heart/soul exchanges that took place. What does come to mind is that there are factions within our human-suited earth-school that contain evolving souls who are making a difference one step at a time.


Attitude is so important – not just for those around me but for myself. A practice of trying to just move forward day by day with the understanding the I’m always “Perfectly on time” has been a significant factor in where I find myself today and a saving grace throughout the grief/loss process.

Also, as just one individual, I have learned through much reflection and practice that my attitude can not only be chosen, but it can also be somewhat contagious. I know there are some “quotes” out there along those lines. Perhaps it’s sufficient to suggest there’s much more power in presenting some of those chosen attitudes than we acknowledge. So, if we have a “collective”, working together to consider making changes that may also have a “collective” result, how does attitude impact that process? The recent gathering confirmed that the impact is significant.


There is something about in-person / face-to-face gatherings that raise the level of connection – at least that would be one of my reflections from this event. If I had been able to visually see the energetic forces that were waving around us as we worked, played, brainstormed, and ate meals I expect it would have been quite spectacular. We are and were an “eclectic” mix – all of us representing a variety of cultures, BS (belief systems), personality traits, shadow, and soul components. To this earth-school traveller the resulting connection was like watching a kind of “web of bright lights” becoming interwoven and intertwined with each other and creating a source of solidarity that will serve the implementation of the results of The Collective Consciousness to the fullest.

The story I find myself in includes a gift of being connected to younger generations (in a variety of ways) for over 30 years. That connection is tied to family but also other group/network environments and they have ALL effectively helped me stay in a younger frame of mind. In fact, at times it could be a possible detriment…. the mind of a 25 year old simply doesn’t fit the body of a Crone. A highlight of this recent event was exchanging a ginormous hug with a 1st quarter young man who was probably only 4 or 5 when I first met him. Such a sweet connection.


It’s probably worth noting that this proponent of the earth-school, in all her humanness, does NOT live in gratitude 24/7. There are still a multitude of other moments when many of the “oh woe is me” characteristics pop to the surface. It’s also why (in training) is part of “Wise Woman”.

However, for this part of this blog, I decided to include a piece of what I wrote to the “team” at the end of the gathering because it was a soul-voice expression coming directly from my heart.

Thanks to everyone else for modeling what can happen when a “collective consciousness” hits a room of like-minded souls, and the joyful brainstorming unfolds. Seems to me intentions have been presented to the universe. Now all WE have to do is suit up, show up, and keep on doing the next right thing as we put the “plans” into action.

And, to also express gratitude to Wellcoaches and the “Team” for the continuing connection and mutual contribution to our respective stories. I don’t think there are a lot of places that would continue to welcome a Crone to a team dynamic. This recent gathering was strong evidence of how it can be done with enormous grace and dignity.

Is there a takeaway this week?

For me, as the Crone, a bit more practice of “gratitude” is never harmful. In fact, when those “Perfectly on Time” moments include a reflection of gratitude it feels as though anything and everything is possible. Even learning new tap dance steps!

How am I Connecting?

This blog was started, in part, because of Johann Hari’s book Lost Connections and a small family gathering with some grandchildren. It was to become a way of connecting with friends and family because life is full and in-person events don’t happen very often. So, here we are again today with another post.

“Connection” was somehow a word sitting top of mind through most of the week, along with what felt like a bit of a “poke” to give some further reflection/consideration to the impact of the spoken and written word.

This past week a series of interviews, panels and shared stories, facilitated and organized by www.opentohope.com, were on the “worth watching” list. For anyone interested in hearing about how others in the earth-school have and/or are dealing with loss, the conference contains a lot of information and heart-felt experiences that truly provide “hope”. For this writer, a new level of understanding arose as the participants opened their hearts to let listeners know they are not alone, that there are many resources available and that every experience is valid. Remaining connected and not moving into a state of isolation was a key point so I wanted to include the links for anyone else who may be walking through this journey.

Naturally there are multiple connotations, definitions, and understandings about this word “connection” and there were three small examples that came forward personally this week.

Stepping out of isolation to make new connections?

TAP DANCING… and the kind of connection that unfolds when a group of like-minded people are introduced to this new one (the Crone) who has been in a somewhat self-imposed state of isolation. What kind of dynamic might evolve? Experience seems to be showing that it’s the state of being “like-minded” that influences the depth of the connection. Then, through repetitive gathering the depth of the connection expands and a new friendship evolves. What’s not to like or enjoy about that scenario.

Being the recipient of kind words

Paths cross and words are exchanged about the impact that an act of kindness had in an individual’s life when they were at a turning point. The connection reconfirmed that, at the time, there was no awareness that an interaction and/or specific words had somehow been impactful. The new words exchanged, as paths were again crossed, also raised a new idea. Might the connection be more about soul agreement(s) than human-suited personality. AND… might this also be where the idea of “the teacher will appear when the student is ready” OR “the student will appear when the teacher is ready” comes into view.

Heart and soul connections

The one that takes place between a 2nd quarter student and a 4th quarter crone. A fully open-heart sharing exchange happening with obvious healing taking place on both sides. Again… more soul agreement exchanges that have always been within “the story” and now are “Perfectly on time” to be spoken out loud. The universe may have been conspiring.

Obviously, there are a gazillion “connection” stories out there in our universe. As a bit of an aside, a state of being “almost in awe”, at the new ideas and experiences that keep appearing for this Crone, seems to somehow be tied directly to the writing of these blogs. So, while my gratitude to those who read and remain connected is truly heartfelt another level of gratitude is extended to whatever universal spirit is at play and involved in what feels like a healing process.

The week of February 27th a Spiritual Writing World Summit was taking place and participation was enjoyed with a lovely level of anticipation. There were 12 presenters who shared incredible stories about their journeys from mindsets of “who am I to think I could write a book” to becoming published authors. One of the presenters, Danielle LePointe, reminded us listeners about Don Miguel Ruiz’s book The Four Agreements. One of my favourite reads, the four agreements were referenced in one of the earlier blogs and somewhat surprisingly have remained embedded in the grey-matter attached to this Crone. Danielle was speaking about the power of our words and suggesting how we should be mindful not only about what we speak but also what we write.

Years ago as the journey with Wellcoaches began, it was suggested that a book titled “Send” by David Shipley & Will Schwalby should be picked up and read. It ultimately changed the approach used in sending out an email (by this one who was just a 3rd quarter player at the time). Not overnight of course…. please remember we’re dealing with a human-suited soul, here to experience all that’s to be presented “Perfectly on time”. Sainthood is not likely be acquired in this go around.

In the early days of email it seemed quite acceptable to just shoot from the hip and send off a blast or two or three and then the volley would begin to see who could get toughest, meanest, most critical. That memory of course raises the question… what was accomplished… followed by the now clear realization of how a connection could so easily be destroyed through mindless word exchanges.

Having now come into the position of being a 4th quarter player life is simpler and taking a pause can result in a more balanced approach.

Social media and texting are the two platforms that seem to raise flags when it comes to the written word.

  • There are no facial expressions
  • There is no tone of voice
  • There is no body language
  • There is no hand to hold, shoulder to pat, hug to give
  • It’s all just in black and white

So, how might responses be crafted that result in the retention of the responder’s dignity and at the same time extend courtesy and respect back to the original sender. None of us can know what part of another person’s story may be unfolding for them in the moment. Does that idea allow for an option or choice to create space and a kinder connection? Perhaps that sounds like “lofty thinking” but in truth isn’t it something that could be practiced even once in a while just to see what might result – on both sides. With awareness and taking that “pause” might we end up with a heart-centered connection instead of shadow-centered angst.

But here’s the kicker this time. What kind of dynamic and connection might unfold if instead of that written word, a phone call was placed with an invitation to sit down, face to face, eyeball to eyeball and actually speak words out loud from heart and soul while allowing tone of voice, facial expressions and body language to also be present. The idea may seem a little unique in our world of text, email, Instagram, twitter, etc. But, it might be an interesting exercise, just to see if there would be an impact in how us humans might actually connect with each other.

It’s kind of fun to catch the eye of the grumpiest looking individual in the room and give them a big smile…. it’s very rare that the smile hasn’t been returned.

Sitting having breakfast one morning this past week a question rose to the surface and seemed destined for a little deeper thought. In addition to folk dancing, tap has now entered as a somewhat new endeavour. I say new because in truth it was part of my early 1st quarter world. Monday was the first lesson and it was so significant it’s a little difficult to find the right words. Why was it significant? Something about recognizing that it’s truly okay for this human-suited earth-school individual to participate in some activities that bring joy and fun into her experiences AND dance is certainly doing that. Those who know me will understand about not getting overly OCD… I’ve only practiced every day with the help of more YouTube tutorials. It brings back a bucketful of memories and at the same time seems to open this heart and soul to a level of exuberance that hasn’t been present for a very long time. I am so grateful!

So to expand on this just a little more. In addition to the new happiness what else might be important? The connection! That in-person sharing and learning taking place between these like-minded individuals.

Then there’s the Spirit Writer’s Workshop – four weeks and more deep diving into the written word. Not to be expanded on at this time but may well be part of something in the future.

As these words appear on the computer screen, in black and white, a “sense” of there being another “voice” at work comes forward. Perhaps a voice that’s relaying lessons to the writer as part of the uncover, discover, discard process that has been practiced for some time now. It’s truly never too late to make changes and those layers and layers of old BS (Belief Systems) CAN be shifted and morphed into something that makes a heart sing. This heart has been singing, dancing and having fun all week and wishes the same for all of those who decide to plow through the writing.