None of us are alone.
There’s a period of life when we swallow a knowledge of ourselves and it becomes either good or sour inside. -Pearl Baily
No matter how many days/weeks/months/years the calendar displays as having gone by there are moments when there’s a “child” inside that still wants to be acknowledged, nurtured, and loved. Putting that into black and white print and having the audacity to publish it for others to see feels self-absorbed [per “shadow-voice“]. However, on another level that “soul-voice” speaks up – reassuring me that even though I may be identifying as a Crone/Wise woman (in training) my story does NOT exclude me from those kinds of feelings and emotions; that I’m not alone; and why not just get honest enough to share the thought(s).
The universe has given this human-suited earth-school traveller much to investigate these past two weeks. The result? Mini states of overwhelm followed by reassurance that everything remains “Perfectly on Time“. An interesting discovery (through a variety of connections, both in person and via technology) was that I too am not alone in that “overwhelm” regard. Of course, that led me to then give thought to the universal energetic forces that seem to be playing out in our world but … that’s probably for another day and time.
So, where to land with this post? By undertaking to “practice experiencing vulnerability” might even one other “earth-school traveler” gain a sense of “Aha” and recognize that they too (1) are not alone; and (2) are “Perfectly on Time”.
Let’s see what unfolds …
My adventures continue to present “food for thought” and I’ve been prompted to consider whether “Perfectly on Time” moments might be cyclical in relation to old ideas. OR, might it be the other way around and it’s the old ideas that are cyclical? Either way, repetition is in the mix and I’m now wondering if perhaps ALL ideas give us an opportunity to consider “universal truths” [Author’s note: Googling “universal truths” had the potential to take me down an incredibly long and winding rabbit hole but I resisted. Instead that may become a new approach over at Substack … LOL].
Thank you Star for presenting me with those words to be incorporated into this writing – you knew I was struggling and voila! Of course, that willingness to become aware, and then take steps to re-evaluate, lies entirely with me. Not you, not my family, not my friends…. Just me.
Light bulb moment?
I recently attended an event with a guest speaker who talked about “stealing” ideas, words, and the experiences of others as a way to “tell his own story”.
When another “human-suit” tells their story and I relate to that story isn’t that a “Perfectly on Time” event? You might wonder why and I would respond with… because… in that moment of connection I’ve not only become open to a new idea I’ve also recognized that I’m not alone. Then another question surfaced. When I sit down to write am I creating “new” words? Of course not! BUT… and this is probably a big but… at times what feels like being “driven” to chase rainbows and fall down Alice’s rabbit holes – seems to then result in a difference in my own understanding about behaviours, ideas, ways of reacting and how best to practice responding to life. When the student is ready the teacher will appear? Why not?
And, from where I sit today that’s a good thing…
I am NOT a historian. However, if I was able to view history in some form of replay it would seem pretty safe to say that as a species we seem to be on the slow-side to learn from our mistakes and the past. So then I had to ask myself why is that? And my “soul-voice” starts to speak about the agreements that have been made over the millennium… agreements to come here to walk through these “human” experiences as a way to grow and truly learn about love. I recently listened to “The Book Woman of Troublesome Creek” and was reminded that we may have made some progress but my, oh my, it’s taking a long time!
I have a favourite meditation with Suzanne Giesemann that walks me through a backward life review and includes this component:
“…And you’re looking at this holographic image of a life and you say “I’m going to take on that life there”… and the guides say “…don’t worry about that, it will be over in the blink of an eye. Just come back and bring back more love than we are giving you to go with.”
I have made reference for many, many years now to a statement presented to me by my mentor Gladys. “We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.” This meditation with Suzanne seems to speak to that BUT at the same time I wanted to share that I recently discovered the original statement was not of my mentor’s making! It has been around for a very, very long time… yet one more very tiny example of “stealing” words… LOL
Me & You or You & Me
On Thursday as I was doing my morning reading practice from “The Promise of a New Day” (part of the Hazelden Meditation Series) it impacted me to such an extent that I decide to include it here.
June 14.
There’s a period of life when we swallow a knowledge of ourselves and it becomes either good or sour inside. -Pearl Baily
None of us is all good or all bad. Each of us takes pride in some of our actions and suffers shame for others. To be human guarantees upheavals; we are assured of shortcomings, and we can count on glad tidings too. Taking all of life’s ebb and flow, smoothed by our own personal responses, leads us to a mellow maturity. Self-acceptance is mandatory if we are ever to experience the sweetness of serenity. This acceptance must be whole and unconditional, not selective. We are who we know how to be at the moment, nothing more. But we are in a continual state of becoming. Whatever we’ve said, thought, or done combines in untold ways to enrich our experiences and the lives of those we touch. Let’s not be soured by the self of the past, of yesterday even. Humbly accepting that portion of the whole will sweeten the rest.
I can avoid personal shame today if I think and feel before acting or reacting.
Which is where the practice of the pause and my mantra of always being “Perfectly on Time” seems to fit. My favourite “words” from the above? “… mellowing maturity…” and “we are in a continual state of being…”
So, although not my own words, reaching out to “share” resulted in the loveliest responses and in truth kind of took me by surprise. The bigger gift in all of it was how full my heart felt… that lovely element of sensing my soul kicking up heels and doing a little happy (perhaps tap) dance because others were also impacted by the words.
Another realization that popped forward was how my memories of “softer/quieter ways” are being replaced with what, at times, feels like “bigger, better, more, faster” ways because of technology. There are definitely moments when I question the impact of electronics, social media and the never-ending technological exchanges we seem to be so absorbed in. Then the universe conspires and pokes and prods for me to take certain actions which resulted in this most recent experience. So, even though I may at times take exception to the changes I see I also have to acknowledge and be grateful that each exchange was actually a “Perfectly on Time” moment to be cherished – AND – that it wouldn’t have happened without technology.
Is there a takeaway this week?
Something that was top of mind, probably in year two after Don skipped town was this question about whether or not I had an identity without him and would it somehow be beneficial to find a way to move from what was “we” to “me”.
Suddenly, almost five years later I see so very clearly it has ALWAYS been about WE versus just me. And, the WE component is that sharing. That listening to another soul. That exchange of thoughts and ideas between all of us – whether we agree or not isn’t what’s important. What does seem to be important is that we continue to reach out to others and share those magical “Perfectly on Time” moments that cross our paths. If someone else is ready to hear and/or see the magic that’s lovely. If they’re not, that’s equally lovely because we are ALL simply living our stories to the best of our ability. Doing the best we can with what we have.